петак, 7. новембар 2014.

Milosav Pavlovic was born in Vrbas in 1954. He began his primary education near Vrnjacka
Banja and finished it in Vrbas, as well as his secondary education. Until now, as a member, he
exibited at almost all of the Society of Visual Art Artists` exibitions since its founding in 1980
and many other places all over Vojvodina.
   He organized one-man exibitions in Vrbas, Novi Sad, Subotica, Apatin, Srbobran, Backa
Topola, Kula and Becej.
   He is a regular pariticipant in visual arts colonies and charity activities. He received several
awards amoung which the first prize at annual muster of visual arts` creators of Vojvodina in
2006. stands out.

Milosav Pavlovic, 21460 Vrbas,
Gustava Krkleca 27,
Phone number: 021/700 857, 063/170 25 34

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